Fibre offered on over 18 different Fibre networks in South Africa. The pricing you see below is for the OpenServe network. When you sign up below, we will check your coverage and if you are covered on one of the other networks, eg Vumatel, we will quote you.
Fibre is the latest generation internet connectivity that is possibly the most reliable connection available in South Africa. The best thing about Fibre is the consistency when it comes to speed and of course a very low latency (perfect for Gaming and Streaming).
Absolutely! Unlike our competitors, we do not throttle the connection, ever. What this means is that they may be a few Rand cheaper per month, but when you hit a certain limit on their ‘Uncapped’ account, you get slowed down so badly it will be more interesting to watch paint dry than use your connection. We do not do that. Throttling is a terrible practice.
Unlike other ISP’s, you get pure internet access. We do not slow you down because we have nothing better to do with your time. Stream, Download and Play to your hearts content.
Getting Fibre is an expensive activity. The Fibre networks charge thousands for installation, trenching, hardware etc. We have put a large sum of money aside to subsidise the installation and harware costs of your Fibre line. In turn, all we ask for is a 24 month commitment.